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Jaylen Walker

After studying and watching the movie “Happy” on Netflix it opened my eyes more on what’s important in life. The movie is very uplifting and can touch anyone emotionally. The movie helps you understand what happiness truly is and where it can be found. I learned that true happiness can be found anywhere from anyone. Happiness comes deep from your soul and heart from something you truly love and enjoy. I learned from the people in the movie that people nowadays take mostly everything for granted and don’t realize what we actually have in life but the people in the move really do understand. These people don’t have much, not even a secure place to live or clothes, but they are completely happy with what they have and thank god for it. If America would watch and study the movie “Happy” I think more people would understand better how blessed they are for what they have and be more grateful for it. Many people today have so much money and so many things in their lives and take it for gannet while many tribes and people around the world bleary have anything but are still completely happy. After thinking about everything the movie teaches you, I’ll never take anything for granted ever again. I want people after watching this movie to ask themselves “Am I truly happy?”. If your truly happy the happiness can be found from what you love, thankful for and appreciate the most. Roko Belic the director of this movie also teaches in the movie that “Money won’t buy you happiness”. I love how you teaches this in the movie because many Americans today do think money does buy you happiness. In the movie it teaches us how our culture teaches us to chase what are called “extrinsic goals.” These are things like money, image, and status. Studies have shown that the people who chase after these things end up more depressed. Also in the documentary it states “Once basic needs are met, more money does not equal more happiness.” If you visit my website I highly suggest watching and studying the movie “Happy” to change your perspective on what true happiness really is.          

William peace university 

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